Arlington Analytics: Build-Your-Own School Boundaries
Build-Your-Own School Boundaries
Now based on updated data from the Oct. 8 update..
Walk zones are from SY 2020-21 Expanded Walk Zones where available and may be approximate (particularly Oakridge). By default, all option students remain at their option schools; see below for ways to change that
assumption. Neighborhood-to-neighborhood transfers not implemented.
Hover over a planning unit to get statistics about that planning unit ("Hover for Planning Unit Info" must be checked).
Select a school from the dropdown menu on the upper left. If you click on a planning unit, that planning unit will be assigned to the school from the dropdown menu. All units
that are part of the school selected will be highlighted on the map.
Table of planning units below populations is refreshed when changes are made. If you have boundaries you like, don't forget to
export them so you can save them. Use the search bar to limit your saved list to certain schools or certain planning unit numbers.
You can choose which schools are option schools at the bottom of the page. Any school that was a neighborhood school that becomes an option school will have all of its
planning units unassigned and must be assigned to a new school by the user.
You can choose the number of preschoolers by school at the bottom of the page.
Right-click on the planning unit to increase number of option students by five. If option students exceed number of students in the planning unit, the number of students will
cycle back down to zero.
Dark lines indicate approximate walk zones. In a few cases, walk zones may split the planning unit, and those cases are not shown, although they are approximated in the tables below.
Notes / Sources
Planning units available at ArlGIS.
APS Fall 2018 Elementary School Boundary Process - Planning Unit Data Table - Revised October 2018
APS Fall 2020 Elementary School Boundary Process - Planning Unit Data Table - Revised November 2019
All default numbers for the option schools are estimated by Arlington Analytics. Total option school attendees are apportioned to option schools proportional
to each school's capacity. This approach may significantly differ from actual outcomes.
Demographic data for certain types may be censored by APS. Any values between one and nine for
english learning, economically disadvantaged, or disabled student are estimated by Arlington Analytics may differ significantly from the actual, unreported APS values. These values
are denoted with a *.
School Demographics
Planning Unit Assignments
Option schools (planning units are unassigned if box is checked):
Number of preschoolers:
Science Focus:
Arlington Traditional:
Carlin Springs:
Long Branch:
Number of relocatable classrooms (each classroom increases capacity by 24):